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Nobles 2 Wind Farm

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Nobles 2 Wind Farm


This wind farm in Nobles County, Minnesota, is projected to generate more than $1.1 million in annual tax revenue, as well as more than $1.1 million annually to more than 100 participating landowners.

Boosting a County’s Economy

Tenaska’s Nobles 2 wind farm in Minnesota is projected to generate more than $1.1 million in annual tax revenue for local units of government, as well as more than $1.1 million annually to more than 100 participating landowners. During construction of the 250-megawatt project, approximately 150 craft workers were hired from the local area, and approximately $15.5 million in contracts were awarded to regional businesses.

Tenaska-developed wind farms are important contributors to the community. Nobles 2 has established a community fund to support programs in the project area and a scholarship fund that benefits college-bound students.

“I’ve witnessed a boost in our local economy as well as sure and stable income to myself and fellow landowners through lease payments,” said Julie Brake, a landowner and community representative. “Tenaska has proven time and again to be a respected and responsible business partner from beginning to end.”